If you have been in the market for a Whole House Water Filter you may have seen ones that come with optional add-ons such as a Salt-Free Water Softener, the Sub-Micron Post-Filter or the UV Filter.
Water filtration technologies can be confusing, especially because there are so many impurities that may or may not be in your water and several add-ons that have specific purposes. Let’s shed some light on the needs of these add-ons and what they protect against.
The short answer to your need for a UV Filter specifically, is “it depends.” If you want the best possible protection against potential undesirables in your water, then yes, you’d want the add-on options of the Sub-Micron Post-Filter and UV Filter (as they work in conjunction with each other). But cost and true necessity is a factor for most homeowners looking at their water filtration options, and below we will explore the specifics of the when and why behind your need for a UV Filter.
What’s in Water That a UV Filter Would Filter Out?
Bacteria. Some water supplies, and especially those that come from a well, may be more at-risk for harmful bacteria not typically found in water that is treated at the municipal level. This is not to say that all municipal water is safe as we have seen in the Walkerton E. coli outbreak that happened in Ontario back in 2000, but it is generally considered to be treated and tested for safe levels of drinking.
Because UV Filtration acts as a disinfectant (like chlorine but without altering the taste, color or odor of the water), it safeguards your water from such bacteria as the above-mentioned E.coli as well as Coliform, Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Salmonella and other water-borne microorganisms.At the municipal level water is disinfected with chlorine, but bacteria Giardia and Cryptosporidium have shown that they are resistant to the disinfecting properties of chlorine but are filtered out with UV treatments.
Pairing the UV Filter with the Sub-Micron Post-Filter
If you are going to opt for the UV Filter you’d also want to include the Sub-Micron Post-Filter as well. This add-on, which follows the standard Filter Butler Whole House Water Filter in the treatment train, is designed to prevent larger bacteria from passing through your water and into your home. In addition to the aforementioned Giardia and Cryptosporidium – two bacteria that are often responsible for water-related disease outbreaks – the Sub-Micron Post-Filter also protects against algae, sediments, asbestos, cysts, lead and mercury while discerningly allowing healthy minerals to pass through.
When you combine the filtration power of the Sub-Micron Post-Filter with the disinfecting power of the UV Filter you will be greatly reducing any chances that organic or sediment particles as well as bacteria or viruses will pass through your pipes and into your drinking water.
How do I Find Out What’s in My Water?
As we have revealed above, your water filtration needs will greatly depend on the types of contaminants that exist in your water. If you want the ultimate peace of mind, adding the Sub-Micron Post-Filter and UV Filter to your Whole House Water Filter will provide you with the most protection possible.
If you want to determine whether or not your water contains specific contaminants so that you can purchase the right amount of water filtration technology for your home, you’ll want to set up a water test and take or submit a sample.
If you live in Ontario, you may be able to get a water test from a Public Health Unit. Public Health Ontario also provides some information on drinking water testing specifically for those people who own their own source of drinking water (ex. well). It is important to recognize that some water testing organizations – either public or private – may not test for the full gamut of contaminants. Where one might test for bacterial contamination, they might not test for chemicals and vice versa. When you get your water test be sure to test against all forms of contaminants so you know what kind of protection you need.